BareMetal | Decentralised | Reliable Validators
Our clustered and automated validator monitoring systems guarantees unbeatable reliability and
state-of-the-art security.
BareMetal | Decentralised | Reliable Validators
Our clustered and automated validator monitoring systems guarantees unbeatable reliability and state-of-the-art security.
VIEW VALIDATOROur validator is currently inactive 😞
If you are a whale 🐳 and can get us into the active set please Contact Us and we can offer you a very good deal!
Heart driven Artificial Intelligence. is creating an all-in-one platform for AI-based creation and blockchain governance.
Node Services
AutoStake Snapshots:
# Install dependancies and stop chain sudo apt install curl liblz4-tool -y sudo systemctl stop humans # Remove current data and save priv_validator_state.json cd $HOME/.humans cp data/priv_validator_state.json priv_validator_state.json.backup rm -r data/* # Download the snapshot SNAP_URL="" curl $SNAP_URL | lz4 -d | tar -xvf - # Restore priv_validator_state.json and restart chain mv priv_validator_state.json.backup data/priv_validator_state.json sudo systemctl start humans
AutoStake addrbook:
sudo apt install curl -y cd $HOME/.humans/config curl --output addrbook.json
State-Sync RPC:
We have and RPC server with state-sync enabled here:
STATESYNC_RPC="" LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s "$STATESYNC_RPC/block" | jq -r .result.block.header.height) TRUST_HEIGHT=$(("$LATEST_HEIGHT" - 2000)) TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$STATESYNC_RPC/block?height=$TRUST_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash) cd $HOME/.humans sed -i '/\[statesync\]/{:a;n;/enable/s/false/true/;Ta;}' config/config.toml sed -i "s@rpc_servers = \".*\"@rpc_servers = \"$STATESYNC_RPC,$STATESYNC_RPC\"@" config/config.toml sed -i "s@trust_height = .*@trust_height = $TRUST_HEIGHT@" config/config.toml sed -i "s@trust_hash = \".*\"@trust_hash = \"$TRUST_HASH\"@" config/config.toml
AutoStake Seed:
cd $HOME/.humans SEED="" sed -i "s/seeds = \"\"/seeds = \"$SEED\"/" config/config.toml
AutoStake Peer:
cd $HOME/.humans PEER="" sed -i "s/persistent_peers = \"\"/persistent_peers = \"$PEER\"/" config/config.toml
AutoStake LCD:
AutoStake gRPC:
Are you ready to earn a return for HODLing?
Delegate to our validator now and start earning right away!