BareMetal | Decentralised | Reliable Validators
Our clustered and automated validator monitoring systems guarantees unbeatable reliability and
state-of-the-art security.
BareMetal | Decentralised | Reliable Validators
Our clustered and automated validator monitoring systems guarantees unbeatable reliability and state-of-the-art security.
Our validator is currently inactive 😞
If you are a whale 🐳 and can get us into the active set please Contact Us and we can offer you a very good deal!
The Cosmos Hub is the first of thousands of interconnected blockchains that will eventually comprise the Cosmos Network. The primary token of the Cosmos Hub is the ATOM, but the Hub will support many tokens in the future.
Node Services
AutoStake Snapshots:
# Install dependancies and stop chain sudo apt install curl liblz4-tool -y sudo systemctl stop cosmoshub # Remove current data and save priv_validator_state.json cd $HOME/.gaia cp data/priv_validator_state.json priv_validator_state.json.backup rm -r data/* # Download the snapshot SNAP_URL="" curl $SNAP_URL | lz4 -d | tar -xvf - # Restore priv_validator_state.json and restart chain mv priv_validator_state.json.backup data/priv_validator_state.json sudo systemctl start cosmoshub
AutoStake addrbook:
sudo apt install curl -y cd $HOME/.gaia/config curl --output addrbook.json
State-Sync RPC:
We have and RPC server with state-sync enabled here:
STATESYNC_RPC="" LATEST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s "$STATESYNC_RPC/block" | jq -r .result.block.header.height) TRUST_HEIGHT=$(("$LATEST_HEIGHT" - 2000)) TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$STATESYNC_RPC/block?height=$TRUST_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash) cd $HOME/.gaia sed -i '/\[statesync\]/{:a;n;/enable/s/false/true/;Ta;}' config/config.toml sed -i "s@rpc_servers = \".*\"@rpc_servers = \"$STATESYNC_RPC,$STATESYNC_RPC\"@" config/config.toml sed -i "s@trust_height = .*@trust_height = $TRUST_HEIGHT@" config/config.toml sed -i "s@trust_hash = \".*\"@trust_hash = \"$TRUST_HASH\"@" config/config.toml
AutoStake Seed:
cd $HOME/.gaia SEED="" sed -i "s/seeds = \"\"/seeds = \"$SEED\"/" config/config.toml
AutoStake Peer:
cd $HOME/.gaia PEER="" sed -i "s/persistent_peers = \"\"/persistent_peers = \"$PEER\"/" config/config.toml
AutoStake LCD:
AutoStake gRPC:
Are you ready to earn a return for HODLing?
Delegate to our validator now and start earning right away!